Progress and Attendance:

 Question: How often should I log attendance and progress?

Answer: You should try and log attendance and progress on a DAILY basis. We may not receive funding for families who don’t log adequate attendance and progress and it will save you time in the log run.

Question: What is the attendance requirement?



484 Hours per year (1/2 day Kindergarten)

Grades 1-5

968 Hours per year

Grades 6-8

1056 Hours per year

Days for All Grades

180 Days per year

Question: Since my student is not doing the K12 Spelling or Phonics how do I mark the lessons off and log the time my students spend in Barton.

Answer:  You will not check any lessons off for the K-12 Spelling or K-12 Phonics on the OLS when you do the Barton Program, but you should add the time you spend in Barton under the ATTENDANCE tab under Barton Reading and Spelling.

Instead of marking the lessons off in the K12 Phonics or Spelling, you will hide the course on your OLS so that these lessons no longer come up on your daily plan. When report cards come out your student will receive a N/A with a note that says they are using the Barton Reading and Spelling Program to meet their reading and spelling needs.

Because the spelling lessons are imbedded in the Language 2, students taking this course will continue to mark the spelling lessons off as complete and mastered.

To learn how to hide a course on the OLS open the attachment at the end.


How to Hide a Course on the OLS.doc How to Hide a Course on the OLS.doc
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